Toasty Video

your experience


Like your favorite comfort food,

we’re here for you!


good date



Before we start production, our market research team analyzes your brand’s current image.

We want to know more about your brand, but we’re also looking for fresh perspectives to bring to your image. With this insight, we work with your team to understand the ideal path forward.

This becomes an anchor that keeps us all on the same page throughout the entire project.

Setting the



We like to be upfront and transparent about our approach and capabilities. Our creative development phase does just that.

The creative proposal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based, supporting smooth and thorough communication right from the start.

What makes it SMARTER? We also bake in Evaluate and Readjust to make sure we’re always making decisions with the big picture in mind. 


account manager!

Good communication is the key to a successful relationship!

Each of our clients has a dedicated account manager who acts as a central point of contact. Plus, you also have access to every team member working on your project.

Our open communication minimizes miscommunication, gives you peace of mind, and helps everyone – including you – do their best work. 



on budget

We want to provide a realistic proposal, set clear expectations, and deliver your project on time and within budget. But we can’t do this without the right management and communication.

To run things smoothly not just by our standards, but by yours as well, we keep up regular contact and adjust work as necessary. You can always keep track of progress on our project management platforms!



We don’t believe in perfection; instead, we believe it is paramount to continue to improve our work and provide better service with each project. Because of this – and because we care about being a good partner – we follow up on every project by assessing its performance with you. Doing this helps us keep improving our process to make your future experience with us even better!

2059b W Hastings St,

Chicago, IL 60608

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