Toasty Video

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Project Name: Let’s Move
Location: Chicago, IL
Deliverables: 30s Videos

Leading up to the 2022 midterm elections, we had the opportunity to work with political ad agency Gambit Strategies to create a get-out-the-vote mobilization ad campaign for a Super PAC.

The Challenge

This campaign required that we secure multiple locations in Chicago and involved locking down two public streets. We also needed to rent a CTA bus, occupy a full-size high school basketball court along with several classrooms, make use of more than one Victorian house, and secure space in a busy park.

The Toasty Strategy

Because of the long-term relationship Victor has with Gambit Strategies, we were given the trust to produce a much larger production than we were used to. Even at a larger scale, we were able to provide a very streamlined production process and maximize overall efficiency.

In addition to the scale, casting for this project was out of our control. Since this was a political campaign, all of the actors who had their faces clearly shown needed to clear a full background check before being brought on board. This vastly narrowed our talent selection, so we collaborated with the agency, which was better equipped to handle deep background checks. We were still able to assist by casting talent whose faces weren’t clearly on camera: the stunt actors. With our vast network in the industry, this is where we were able to shine.