Toasty Video

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Project Name: Explore Week: E2000 Product Launch
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Deliverables: 4min 45s video

Through a series of videos, we helped develop a product launch by elevating it in a variety of settings.

The Challenge

For this series, the client wanted to promote the launch of their new product by showing it in various scenarios and vastly different locations, from mansion to beach and yacht, and from lakes and oceans to mountains and caves.

The Toasty Strategy

Dozens of locations? Not a problem. We turned to our wide network of talented filmmakers from coast to coast to make this vision a reality, including producing a commercial that takes place in summer while in the middle of winter. With extensive knowledge of locations and talent, our LA-based director helped make this project a breeze.

We made our way to LA for the week-long production. Then, we brought the footage right back home to our Leading Post-Production Partner, who helped us deliver the many different edits to meet the client’s need to promote sales via many social media platforms.